Zimta took a laptop out into the backyard

Posted November 17, 2008




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…I hear the click of keys from behind the stone bench…

Zimta: *writing* “Friend Noble Shakkyo, Honored I am to receive your e-mail recent…



 “And just as honored that use the tea set among friends you did, and merry maketh homecoming yours…



 “Happy was I when me you visited, a surprise MOST welcome, a memory most treasured…



Zimta: …“As is gift yours, of sweet birdy-birdy Niku, who watcheth over me, and make bright my days. Friend Hibou must however be watched, lest she EAT Niku! So guardeth closely do I now…

Niku: ni-ku-ni-ku-ni-ku



Zimta: …“Happy am I that have you Friend Akone, who helped your safe return. Someday to meet Friend Akone would I like very much, to give him thanks for befriending you… as always say I, one can never have friends enough…

Niku: ni-ku-niku-ni-ku!



Zimta: …“Someday soon, hope I, shall we see one another again… until that day happy, happy enough shall I be to read your e-mail next…

Niku: ni-ku-ni-ku-ni-ku


Your Friend humble,




Excuse me, while I go find a hankie…


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