Tancredi’s Love Advice
February 14, 2008
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Ah, Mam’zelle Jee-lee-anne, I am
flat-tered zat you should
ask me about ro-mance. I know zat
tout le monde be-lieves
ze Free-nch are ze most sentimental per-sons.
Eet ees real-ly ver-ee sim-ple
Ze object
d’une affection may appre-ciate
a lee-tle sur-prise now an’
zhen –
One mus’ ne-vaire under-estimate ze fun of ze lee-tle romp, even wheen for-mally at-tired –
Zhere are zose times wheen one may be taken for gran-ted…
Zhen ees wheen you fol-low
ze po-et’s advice, and take
your be-loved on ze pic-nic,
wheeze zose fine Free-nch
staples, ze vin and ze pain, an ze na-ture weel take eets course…
Eet ees a mo-dern age, af-ter all, an’ one may
not lose touch wheen zere
are ze com-puters an’ ze mail d’E zo
zat one may com-mu-nicate
wheeze ze be-loved one, where-evaire
one may be–
Steel, zere are zose times
wheen no-thing weel do but
one must to go to where ze be-loved ees, by what-ever means possible
An’ last, but not ze least, al-ways make ze room
for ze lee-tle fun een-y time weeze your be-loved,
to keep ze re-lationship refraichir -- n’est pas, ma belle E’Clair?
I looked around my resin
household, and realized there were patterns of behavior, suitable to discuss on
the day of hearts –
Love In the
House Of Beamlette, Valentine’s Day 2008
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