Rachel, I must admit to some subterfuge...

Posted October 11, 2007 by Smythe




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Smythe: I did indeed use the delivery of Chance’s gift to gain entry into your circle… and I did stretch the extent of my acquaintance with him –

Chance: “Stretch,” he says -- more like invent! **grumble**


Smythe: You see, I happened to catch a glimpse of you with Wynnefred when Chance was on the house computer. And I also heard him tell Quade that he had a present to send to Wynnefred; immediately I decided here was a grand opportunity to somehow meet you.



However, it appears that I have overstepped my bounds, and spoiled things… for both of us.



I am fond of saying that I make my own luck… but I am well-known for getting myself into scrapes; just ask my older brother and sister *wry grin*.



It is asking a lot, but if you could somehow find a way to forgive me this blunder, we may start fresh. I’d have no need to concoct any more wild plans where you are concerned – except those that would delight and amuse you *smile*.


I eagerly await your response – however long it takes.



Smythe Leighton



But the young lady herself wasn’t buying it, much to Smythe’s regret –






Rachel… >>>

posted October 11, 2007 by Smythe



This hurts more than my eye ever did -- believe me! Higher hopes were never shot so low.


Your response is immediate and honest; I don’t fault you for that. But don’t write me off completely; I consider myself redeemable, given the chance…



Smythe Leighton



We know that he will regroup… eventually.


Meantime, Fenchurch has been without her barbarian Prince bodyguard – what’s up with that?


Lead And I Shall *Follow*



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