There’s a new girl in the house,

Please meet Fenchurch

Posted March 4, 2006




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Fenchurch: Hello to all you Zone of Zenners – I just moved here from Arizona. I like being outdoors, hiking and bicycling – which I know is pretty funny considering how fair I am – well, that’s what they make sunblock for.   I also like going to school, and I’m studying to be an archaeologist, preferably in Egypt.



Fenchurch: At this house it’s a mixed bag. Chance likes a lot of the same things I do, so we talk. Oona and Paladin are nice, but Oona’s sort of self-perpetuating in the conversation department. Which makes it easy for me – I can think about other things.



Fenchurch: Of course I like Maeby.



Fenchurch: I maintain a certain distance from Waramon and Gobnait – ‘nuff said.



Fenchurch: As for Tabitha and Malfoy, well, they’ve been playing pranks on me – classics such as the bucket on top of the door, short-sheeting the bed, charcoal on the binocular eyepieces, tacks on chairs –



Fenchurch: But not to worry; I can give as good as I get –



Fenchurch: Did I mention I’m a fan of the 3 Stooges?



Fenchurch: All in all it’s not bad here. It’s like having my own private psych lab.   Nice meeting you all.



After Fenchurch’s introduction, galatia9 had some fun with Kazuhiro, having him wake up one morning and think he’d become full-grown (using a Volks Yukinojo), only to find it was just a dream, from which he was rudely awakened by Tournai with a sharp blow from a rolled-up newspaper. But not until Kazuhiro had given Wynnefred a big smooch! I had Chance react to this with a comment on galatia9’s story thread in:


Hmmm… Chance is torn between



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