The Price of a Good
Posted June 23, 2011
[Biographies] [Stories]
Picking up from these 2009 stories:
Dating Game,
Of The Semi-Native,
and from 2008:
Easton Met Alma,

Easton: Looks like you’re a woman with a good appetite; I like that – though to
me, it’s just rabbit food –
Alma: **dabs mouth with napkin** Well, I enjoy a nice salad, and it’s a
balance to the pasta to come – I see you didn’t leave any of your “rabbit food”
Easton: Well, I’m still a growing boy, so it’s all fair game *wink* –

Waitress: Your next course will be out shortly – and I trust the salads were all
Alma: Oh yes, thank you! The lettuce was so fresh and crisp, and the tomatoes
Easton: You’re talking to the salad connoisseur, hon –
she has me convinced, as you can see; the clean plate club here!

Alma: So, I’m exerting a positive influence, getting you to eat your
Easton: Among other things – I think you have the potential to raise me to my potential

Easton: A man needs motivation, and not just from the other guys around him.
Women have a grasp of the details, the nuances of life –

Alma: And you don’t think that sounds like what a mother does, for both sexes of offspring? Do most men need a
second, or third, or fourth mother in their lives?

Waitress: Here you go, pasta for two – enjoy!
Alma: Ah – thank you.
Easton: My thanks to the chef, and to you, dear, for serving so ably and amiably!
Waitress: I’ll be sure to let him know, sir! *chuckle*

Easton: And, back to your question, Alma
– maybe some of us didn’t have the most instructive of mothers, so we look for
what’s missing. Not that I’m putting down MY mother. She meant well, I figure,
but she’s so New-Agey, airy-fairy; not exactly with
the “real” world sometimes –

Alma: Well, I suppose we don’t learn everything we need to know from our
mothers; there’s also our fathers’ influence in the mix –

Easton: That’s a sore point for me – my “dear old dad” is a piece of work!
Though he’s got a way with women, just enough to keep most of ‘em guessing – well, except for my younger sister’s mom –
excuse me, half-sister, as she never
forgets to remind me. Her mom wised up and dumped him a long while back, not
that it bothered him. And just to show how messed-up he is, he liked to pit me
and my half-sister against each other, make us each think he liked the other
better. Though I figure he really does like Fen best – not that she’s fooled by
him for one minute. She’s a sharp cookie, I gotta say
– kinda like you.

Alma: Those are quite the family dynamics –
Easton: Yeah, my family’s no Brady Bunch. But this lunch wasn’t supposed to be
about me – I want to know more about
Alma, and what makes her tick, and not just what I think I can guess about her
Alma: I have two younger half-siblings. Happily, though, my mom and step-dad
never pitted us against each other.
Easton: Lucky you – maybe that’s why even though you’re kinda
like my half-sister, you’re more mellow – and you see
the big picture.

Alma: *thinking* Besides this mother business, he has
a thing for his sister – and he’s got me coming and going on BOTH points… whoa…

Waitress: Shall I take your plates now? And would you like to see our dessert tray
this afternoon? We have some yummy specialties – tiramisu, cannolis,
sorbets –
Alma: Yes, please, I’m done now. I think I’ll skip dessert today, though;
thank you.
Easton: Aren’t you a little curious, Alma?
Remember, my treat, have the full dining experience –
Alma: Oh… gosh… hmmm…

Easton: Bring the tray over, hon; I’m thinking with
some visual aids, we may make a sale here. By the way, what’s your favorite
Waitress: Well… I have a weakness for the tiramisu here; it has a nice light
texture, with a lot of flavor. Though I won’t turn down the cannolis,
Easton: Sounding better and better; you’ve got me talked into dessert, at any
rate *smile*.

Alma: The waitress isn’t the only salesperson here. I think you found my
weakness, where sweets are concerned. Now I’ll have to make a decision!
Easton: Hey, if you want more than one, I’m glad to spring for it. I wouldn’t
want you going away thinking Easton Brickell’s not a
“brick”, haha!
Alma: And I don’t want you going away thinking Alma Kielbaugh’s
taking advantage of a “brick”, Mister Brickell! One
dessert is my limit, thank you.

Easton: You’re welcome, Ms. Kielbaugh… *thinking* Man…
that’s it! She even looks like Fen.
Is that creepy… or what?

Alma: *thinking* How much more research do I need to do for this paper… or want to do? In for a penny, in for a
pound, I guess…
no quitter; we know she’ll see this to the end; hopefully, not a bitter one.
to the Williams Twins, we find their world is about to be rocked –
Then Volks Created SD16 Woman
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