Tancredi celebrates Bastille Day

Posted July 14, 2006




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Tancredi: Lee-sen up, enfants. Eet ees BASTILLE DAY en France. Ze day when we cele-brate ze dee-con-struction of ze prison Bastille an' ze co-mence-ment of ze Revolution!
Boudicca: I ALWAYS thought the French were *revolting* hahaha!
Waramon: **snicker** GOOD one, dear Boudicca!



Tancredi: Ig-nore zose Een-glishes! Zey may 'ave be-headed zer Roi first, but we deed eet weez more STYLE! An' we 'ave a bet-taire an-theem to seeng -- **cue pitch pipes**
Allons enfants de la Patrie/ Le jour de gloire est arrive/ Contre nous, de la tyrannie,/ L'etandard sanglant est leve,/ Entendez-vous, dans la compagnes./ Mugir ces farouches soldats/ Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras/ Egorger vos fils,/ vos compagnes --
Waramon: Is it time for "God Save the Queen" yet?
Boudicca: I've always been partial to "Hail, Brittania!" myself.



Tancredi: Aux armes, citoyens!/ Formez vos bataillons,/ Marchons, marchons!/ Qu'un sang impur/ Abreuve nos sillons.
Young Chance: Uh-huh. And WHAT is it you're singing about?



Tancredi: Well, zey tell about bloo-dee flags an' ze throats zat 'ave been slit --
Young Chance: Blood and guts -- cool!
Young Tabitha: Yeah -- COOL!



Tancredi: I KNEW zat would a-muse vous petits monstres. An' for ze fee-nishing touch -- VOILA!



Buddha Girl: Eh, we slice AND dice!
Angry Sparrow: Lotsa slice.
Tragic Plum: Ooooh, I think we have a head already...



Waramon: **pokes head in basket** Haha, it looks like YOURS, Tancredi my brother!
Tancredi: Eh, well, zat ees why two heads zey are bet-taire zan ONE!



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