Mees Beamlette she take me to ze

Bar-bee conveen-tion

Posted August 3, 2006 by Tancredi




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I am ZO veree tired after ze road treep...



My travelling companions, ze lee-tle ones zey ask too many questions...



Zees lee-tle Bar-bee, she ees amusante, but she ees no E'Clair...



Mees Beamlette take me to 'er workshop, where zees guy he natter on an' on. Her amie, Mees Pat-ty she ad-mire me, zat nice mam'zelle.



Zen I meet zees keed he ees named Scott. I geeve heem a ci-garette, an' he ees grate-ful, as you can see...



Een ze salesroom I meet zees VEREE tall Bar-bee. She ees lov-lee, non? But she ees aloof. An' do not worry, E'Clair -- ma coeur steel belongs to VOUS, seulement...



Pauvre moi -- wheen Mees Beamlette go out, she put me een ze closet, so ze maids weel not hurt me. Ees not zo bad een here...



Mam'zelle Clara she 'ave a treat pour moi -- she seend me a pic-ture of MA BELLE E'CLAIR! She ees zo dazzling I must to wear sun-glasses *le sigh*


And Kenzo showed his appreciation to Kaida:


Well, Kaida, right now one of my favorite things is



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