Per your request, the Availables

 at Ms. Beamlettes’s, Cassandra

Posted February 21, 2007 by Oona




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Oona: As you are well aware, we do have a variety of personalities to suit many tastes –

(l. to r., seated: Waramon, Dieter, Beckham, Quade, Yevgeny, Tarquin. l. to r., standing: Varius, Inigo, Neville, Easton, Winslow)



Oona: -- and yes, they do have all their teeth, and no mug shots on record!



Oona: And for those with exotic tastes, we even have vampires and elves -- Varius and Inigo standing in the back there –



Oona: Whoa – Beckham – WHAT are you doing here? You’re taken!

Beckham: Haven’t you heard – Dem and I broke up. So I figured I was available –



Oona: Mister, you are NO such thing! Demelza, get over here, pronto!

Beckham: Oh sh*t.

Neville: Eh, you are SO busted -- !



Demelza: Oh no you don’t – you’re MINE. We’re back together. Now come on!

Beckham: *sigh* Here we go again…

Neville: **making sound of whip cracking** Same ol’, same ol’ –



Oona: Sorry about that, girls. One slips under the radar occasionally. We just need to tighten the screening standards in future. But I can vouch for the availability of this group here –

Easton: “Available” is my other name, ladies!

Yevgeny: Eh, they don’t like it if you’re too easy. You have to WIN me over.

Tarquin: Yeah, but – I’M the prize here! *smile*



Easton: **low voice** Oh yeah – the Crackerjack prize. *smirk*

Tarquin: Hey, the lovely ladies will be the judge of that – and I guarantee the value! *wink*

Oona: Makes me glad every day I’m with Paladin, and out of this meatmarket -- !



Oona: And this isn’t all, Cassandra – be sure to check back often, as we have new ones coming in almost every day, Ms. Beamlette assures me!  I think this audience knows what I mean. *giggle*



Young Chance: Eh, what’s the big deal about girls, anyway? They have COOTIES!

Aaron: Yeah, girl cooties – uuuuugh. *raspberry*

Young Tabitha: HEY! I’m a girl!

Rollo: We rest our case! **armpit fart**



Nothing like comments from the Peanut Gallery!


Shulamith went a’visitin’ to galatia9’s Etienne Gavreau, with mixed results. It started out pleasantly enough, but by the time Shu took her leave, she had a burr under her saddle as regarded Gav. Hence her tone in this story, on her way out of town…


An unexpected visitor…



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