At last, a *proper* introduction for Allegra

Posted October 26, 2006




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There was a sneak peek a while back, when she joined Chance in the short-lived summer mutiny...



Allegra is Tarquin and Paladin's long-lost younger sister, who Tarquin had been seeking. Happily for the brothers, I found her.



Tarquin: Gotta hand it to Ms. Beamlette, she's got a big heart, finding our sister and bringing her here.
Paladin: Oh yeah, I'm glad. How about you, Allegra?
Allegra: Um... well, I'm happy to see you both. But I miss my old friends and all. I'm not really sure yet...



Tarquin: Eh, you'll make some new ones, there's LOTS of us here, ya know!
Paladin: Yeah, *lots*. If you don't like who's here already, wait a few minutes and Ms. Beamlette'll bring in some more *snerk*.



Allegra: M-hm...



Allegra: **to self** She doesn't have to bring in anyone else for me... **smile**



Hmmmmm, who could Allegra have her eyes on? And did it motivate Wynnefred to ask Chance to the fall dance at her school…? At any rate, it sure made Chance happy:


Wow, Wynnefred



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