And Then Volks Created SD16 Woman
Posted June 28, 2011
[Biographies] [Stories]

Warwick: Huhhhhh…
Wessex: *thinks* Hm.

Wessex: *still thinking* We are brothers… twins… yet
after all these years together, Warwick’s
mental processes remain a complete
mystery to me…

Warwick: *yawn* **stretch**… booooooored…
Wessex: *thinking* He lacks so much mental furniture; is that the secret to his
simple existence?...

Faye: Hello, boys – mind if I sit with you a while?
Wessex: **stands** You are most welcome! Let me
introduce myself; I am Wessex Williams. And your name
Warwick: Hubba-hubba!

Wessex: Warwick!
Rise when a lady enters the room –
Warwick: That’s my name, don’t wear it out. Besides, I’m overcome with beauty
here –

Faye: Now that’s some compliment, Warwick.
Just for that, I’ll sit right next to you!
Warwick: Plenty of room – not that you’ll need much.
Wessex: Pardon my brother’s lack of graces, Miss – Miss – ?
Faye: Oh, I pardon him! And the name is Faye *giggle*.

Warwick: So.. what brings Faye
here, besides a great pair of legs?
Wessex: **clutches pillow** !!!!!

Faye: Oh, a car… a plane… another car… no trains involved, though! But why
does Warwick
want to know, hm?

Warwick: Hey, I’m just a guy, and a guy has to have a pitch when a good-looking
girl comes around if he’s gonna get somewhere with
her –
Faye: Is that so? –

Faye: Maybe sometime I can give you a little lesson in pitches, to broaden
your repertoire. Not that I don’t like your present style, but I would enjoy
giving you the benefit of my experience –
Warwick: Sure… when does class start, Teach?

Faye: I’ve got to go now, do a little unpacking, settling in – but I’ll be
sure to let you know when school’s in session. ‘Ta!
Warwick: Uh-huh – see ya…
**Faye exits**

Wessex: I swear, you are a common lout,
especially where the fair sex is concerned –
Warwick: Heh, you said “sex” –
Wessex: Don’t trivialize what I said! And I cannot understand how you managed to
pique her interest, with your Neanderthal behavior –

Warwick: Hey, who am I to argue with Nature? When you got “it”, you got “it”, y’know?
Wessex: You are hopeless, is what you
are! *groan*
someone *jealous*? And if so, which one?
Vs. Triplets!
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